links for 2008-10-07
Setting aside some time today to watch this doc on What Happened To Crawford in the post-Bush residency years — the crescendo of even just this trailer is very well done. The next best Texas docu after Hands on a Hard Body?
Nice new web game with artwork by Gish/Triachnid’s Edmund McMillen — think N+ with auto-scrolling levels (actually sort of a cardinal sin in my book) and lots of pixellated blood splatter.
Bonus points to HMX for turning the blog into a “zine” and doing concept features like this.
Had no idea there was as decent looking a solution to use controllers (rumble!) in flash games, though it looks like a nightmare of an install/setup for now.
“Sometimes I send messages I shouldn’t send. Like the time I told that girl I had a crush on her over text message. Or the time I sent that late night email to my ex-girlfriend that we should get back together. Gmail can’t always prevent you from sending messages you might later regret, but today we’re launching a new Labs feature I wrote called Mail Goggles which may help.”
Outtakes from the forthcoming spread — the third one in, at least, is very signature horrorshow Cunningham (it’s that tiny white glint in midnight black eyes).
The forthcoming port gets a cute flash site set in a few memorable areas of the game.
“Bandai Asovision has now brought us the Mugen PeriPeri, a keychain toy that aims to replicate the pleasure of opening a package for the first time. Snacks, boxes, and other tear-open packages tend to reveal good things, so perhaps experiencing this sensation boosts endorphins and sends us into pleasure mode.”
After hearing from the latest IgNobel awards that a team had discovered slime-molds could solve puzzles, did some digging and found the article in Nature, only to see that I’d have to pay to read. But here’s the abstract!
More razor sharp, snarling post-Palin-acceptance invective from Taibbi: “Right-wingers of the Bush-Rove ilk have had a tough time finding a human face to put on their failed, inhuman, mean-as-hell policies. But it was hard not to recognize the genius of wedding that faltering brand of institutionalized greed to the image of the suburban-American supermom. It’s the perfect cover, for there is almost nothing in the world meaner than this species of provincial tyrant.”
Colbert hosting an exclusive Rock Band 2 clip of his DLC song contribution.. which, coincidentally, has become one of my favorite tracks (even at like 90 seconds long).
Jesusgoddamn these are stunning. Most make me want to crawl through my monitor and nose-dive into them.
I’d seen the Music Is Math, but more good Proce5– err, Processing code/music videos here. Funny (or I suppose fitting) how well BoC bills the mood for these.