links for 2008-10-24
Eric relaunches his website with all kinda new doohickies to fiddle with. New 'quieter' album soon!
Just dryly pointing out that John Oliver likes the Mountain Goats.
The way to instant internet-stardom: write political commentary as a night with the RPG nerds. "KUCINICH: IM A BARD"
Beach House singing a song in amongst some rocks.
Via James: "I was going to wait until the anniversary to link to this, but what the heck, here’s an amazing documentary about American Elf. It’s short, but has lots of awesome Eli and Oliver (and even Declan) action."
Cute Obama ballot box paper toy. The poster's not bad, either
Mechner dug into old journals kept during the making of Prince of Persia and is bringing them online in blog-form, pre-dated 20 years.
One of those videos all the games sites/blogs are going to be linking to over the next few days. Decrypt the void!