links for 2009-03-20
:: The Playlist ::: Trailer: 'Year One' With Michael Cera and Jack Black Debuts "Here's the gist of it: When two cavemen (Micheal Cera and Jack Black) are exiled from their tribe…
March 20, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-18
CR Blog ยป Blog Archive ยป Peter Saville: commercials director "Currently airing on British TV is a rather unusual road safety spot from M&C Saatchi for Transport for London. Optical Illusions was…
March 18, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-17
How To Make Your Own Luck | Fast Company Interesting and related to career-luck convo I had earlier tonight: "We asked subjects to flip through a news-paper [and] count the number of…
March 17, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-16
David Mitchell on the public sector and online feedback | Comment is free | The Observer "A friend of mine has come up with an idea to stem the tide of bile.…
March 16, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-15
WNYC – Langston Hughes: Ask Your Mama "WNYC also asked four New York artists of differing musical backgrounds to interpret sections of [Langston Hughes poem] 'Ask Your Mama' in their own way:…
March 15, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-14
::::::::::::::::::::Espeluzland::::::::::::::::: Beautifully sticky, ugly, gooey art. (tags: art) Touring the Bus: Animal Collective – Soundvenue ยท Music & Expression The Danes take us inside the bus. (tags: music video) CR Blog ยป…
March 14, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-13
Saville's Unknown Pleasures AV Ridiculously awesome: "Everytime I saw Peter Saville's Cover for Joy Division's Unknown Pleasure the idea of making it real time as a Audiovisualiser popped into my mind." And…
March 13, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-12
Jewish Museum Berlin – Looting and Restitution: Jewish-Owned Cultural Artifacts from 1933 to the Present – "What would you decide?" Weighing the morality of Nazi loot… aaand it's adorable! (tags: art culture…
March 12, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-11
Yes, I Am Writing a Book – V@ST AIRE LXG MySpace Blog Cannibal Ox's Vast Aire on his new book: "its based on spiritual teachings and understandings. In my lifetime i have…
March 11, 2009 -
links for 2009-03-10
Design Artwork for a Shrinking Album Cover "Vinyl LP cover: 153.1 square inches CD case: 22.6 square inches iPod Nano Cover Flow icon: 0.4 square inch" (tags: design music) When You're Smiling……
March 10, 2009
Who the… ?
I used to do things for: Edge, Gamasutra, Offworld, Boing Boing & chairman of the Independent Games Festival.
Now I run: JUEGOS RANCHEROS, Venus Patrol, and am always hard at work on something else that will help bring awesome things into your life.
We should talk sometime! Send me an email if you want.