Google Got Games, And Still No One Noticed
It’s true — I’ve been a bit slack in updating post-Austin GDC, as I’m still not quite up to speed, life-wise. Everything important is still inside boxes underneath other boxes behind other…
September 26, 2008 -
From Gotham To Smallville
I’m back now, for the most part, from — if you weren’t following the ill-advised 75mph ‘tweet’s — a move from Chicago to Austin. The move, I should say up front, would…
September 13, 2008 -
Curious Confluence: The Mtn. Goats Do Mario Bros.
I told you the one thing I know how to say, through the bright ringing drone of 8-bit choirs. I’ve got a remarkably long history with The Mountain Goats that stretches back…
September 6, 2008 -
Star Trigon: Mr. Driller’s ‘Lost Tapes’ Emerges On iTunes
While everyone’s attention has been turned to the wild frontiers of its touchier big brother, a number of major publishers have been covertly sending out small bursts of genuinely excellent material to…
September 5, 2008 -
Spore: My God, It’s Full Of Stars
With just a week and a half before the game’s official unveiling, the UK PC gaming league of gentlemen collectively known as RockPaperShotgun have been so kind as to reprint the feature…
August 27, 2008 -
Easy Riding With Human Highway’s Moody Motorcycle
Back in the summer of 2007 I met with a lot of resistance when I predicted an as-yet un-Pitchfork’d Brooklyn band called Vampire Weekend would emerge as one of the Next Big…
August 21, 2008 -
Press Select To Continue
As you may have spotted, as of the end of July I am no longer the editor of Gamasutra.com, a post I kept both part and full-time for the past two years.…
August 11, 2008 -
Gamasutra: Braben On WiiWare Launch Title LostWinds
As The Outsider and Thrillville studio Frontier Developments announces LostWinds, its 3D platformer WiiWare launch title, Gamasutra talks to studio founder David Braben about the game’s collaborative genesis and his thoughts on…
February 20, 2008 -
Gamasutra: Talking To Tetris Creator Alexey Pajitnov
When Gamasutra attended the GameCity conference in Nottingham, England late last year, we encountered a series of intriguing presentations, films and demonstrations centering around games, and presented in a film festival-esque format.…
January 18, 2008 -
Gamasutra: The David Braben Interview
David Braben made his name by co-developing (with Ian Bell) Elite, a seminal space trading game originally released in 1984. The title is massively popular with European gamers, and prefigured the open…
January 9, 2008
Who the… ?
I used to do things for: Edge, Gamasutra, Offworld, Boing Boing & chairman of the Independent Games Festival.
Now I run: JUEGOS RANCHEROS, Venus Patrol, and am always hard at work on something else that will help bring awesome things into your life.
We should talk sometime! Send me an email if you want.