links for 2009-05-18
IN THE LOOP Trailer Premiere Starring James Gandolfini from In The Loop The debut American trailer for In The Loop means it's time for Iannucci Watch, part the 239482903423094th, and also part…
May 18, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-17
TENORI-ON開発日誌 : Bjork ~ Who Is It? (Live in Paris ~ from Voltaic) High profile Tenori-On usage on probably my favorite Bjork song (though I much prefer Bogdan's version). (tags: music video)
May 17, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-16
Blog Five – From Comic Book Panel to Screen – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on Vimeo Pilgrim watch, part the fifth: recreating locations, gingerbread houses, and heavy Goodwill coats. (tags: movies…
May 16, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-15
David Lynch Presents his 121-part 'Interview Project': An EW exclusive | Showbiz News and Scoop | Studio and Network Dish | EW.com Part one on EW.com, only 120 left to go! (tags:…
May 15, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-14
TWIN PEAKS PROPS What it says on the tin, and fascinating to page through if you're as much of a TP nerd as I very openly am. (tags: tv culture) YouTube –…
May 14, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-13
kanYe West : Blog : Dope artwork, dope song! Kanye <3s Black Moth Super Rainbow. Also, wtf is up with his blog's URLs? (tags: music)
May 13, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-12
Mmmmm…Delicious bacon (and snake) « Why, That’s Delightful! Direct download link to Michael Kupperman's Adult Swim pilot Snake'n'Bacon. (tags: cartoons video) PREFUSE 73 » FREE TOUR C.D… I WAS GOING TO RE…
May 12, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-11
YouTube – swatrickpayze's Channel Right, so, David 'swatpaz' Ferguson has become one of my top cartoon-makers of all time, just with this odd assortment of minute-long treats. They're all fucking hilarious in…
May 11, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-09
Video Exclusive: Goonies Reunion | Empire's 20th Anniversary Celebration In case you missed the DVD reunion commentary, here it is in condensed form. (tags: movies video) YouTube – Animal Collective – "Summertime…
May 9, 2009 -
links for 2009-05-08
campershell dreams………. (lost but not forgotten) on Vimeo But actually, Lytle's self-made stuff was basically pretty awesome. (tags: music video) I Am Lost (And the Moment Cannot Last) on Vimeo After a…
May 8, 2009
Who the… ?
I used to do things for: Edge, Gamasutra, Offworld, Boing Boing & chairman of the Independent Games Festival.
Now I run: JUEGOS RANCHEROS, Venus Patrol, and am always hard at work on something else that will help bring awesome things into your life.
We should talk sometime! Send me an email if you want.