links for 2008-12-06
Coopers' Camera (2008) Note to self: this is something you need to see. (tags: movies) Super Hero in a Box Right, sorry, I'm sort of into this. (tags: culture) YouTube – Flight…
December 6, 2008 -
links for 2008-12-05
Ducking an iPhone Annoyance | T’N’T Luoma Thank duck someone figured out how to get around this. (tags: iphone)
December 5, 2008 -
links for 2008-12-04
Me on the tellybox « [pcg]Tim Just /try/ to rip your eyes off his chest every time he comes on screen. Y'done good, Mr. Edwards. (tags: games tv video) Hairy Teeth: Cullumdar…
December 4, 2008 -
links for 2008-12-03
Aeon of the Dead | Zuda Comics Trying to raise awareness for Dean Hsieh's latest comic (he formerly of KittyBoo superstars Poopiehead, as well as a crazy talented comic artist) Aeon of…
December 3, 2008 -
links for 2008-12-02
Photobooth Book – MusĂ©e MĂ©canique – San Francisco's Collection of Mechanical Wonders Amazing, and do sort of want for Christmas. (tags: books) Fecal Face – Studio Visit: Jeremy Fish Oh man, I'll…
December 2, 2008 -
links for 2008-12-01
I Love Alaska – Trailer on Vimeo Trailer for 2009 movie based on those infamous leaked AOL search queries: "I love Alaska tells the story of one of those AOL users. We…
December 1, 2008 -
links for 2008-11-30
BBC NEWS | Magazine | A non-man's man in the mean streets Reminder primarily to myself that new Theroux airs Sunday evening. (tags: tv)
November 30, 2008 -
links for 2008-11-27
CR Blog » Blog Archive » GB’s Grand Prix at Epica Really, really good Marmite snacks campaign up at the top there. (tags: design culture food) YouTube – Deerhoof "Offend Maggie" Nearly…
November 27, 2008 -
links for 2008-11-26
Faux/Real – we (are) on Vimeo I’m thinking somebody likes Animal Collecti– oh wait, I know he does, he did the Water Curses fan-vid I linked a bit back (http://vimeo.com/1926890). Good stuff!…
November 26, 2008 -
links for 2008-11-25
The Criterion Collection Oh dear, I like this. Watch online for a fiver, which you can then apply toward the DVD. Can someone make it show up on my 360/PS3 please? (tags:…
November 25, 2008
Who the… ?
I used to do things for: Edge, Gamasutra, Offworld, Boing Boing & chairman of the Independent Games Festival.
Now I run: JUEGOS RANCHEROS, Venus Patrol, and am always hard at work on something else that will help bring awesome things into your life.
We should talk sometime! Send me an email if you want.