links for 2009-04-25
Dead pixel in Google Earth "82 x 82 cm burned square, the size of one pixel from an altitude of 1 km." (tags: art www culture) FOR SALE: Tiny Mix Tapes Vol.…
April 25, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-24
Jon Burgerman | Work | Inkstruments Burgerman™ comes to iPhone: "This crazy game, coming soon for iPhone and iPod touch, lets you create music by touching the characters, who each play a…
April 24, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-22
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Internet-Age Writing Syllabus and Course Overview. "Students will acquire the tools needed to make their tweets glimmer with a complete lack of forethought, their Facebook updates ring with self-importance,…
April 22, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-21
:: The Playlist ::: Trailer For Michael Cera and Charlyne Yi's 'Paper Heart' Debuts "The part documentary, part fictional feature directed by Nicholas Jasenovec follows Yi on her quest to document her…
April 21, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-20
:: The Playlist ::: First Look: Demetri Martin in 'Taking Woodstock'; Ang Lee Confirms Film Is A Comedy "Martin, a comedian first and foremost, said he felt unease and fear in taking…
April 20, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-18
Blog Two – First Day of Principal Photography – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World on Vimeo I could just as easily keep watching these even if the movie never came out. (tags:…
April 18, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-17
The FADER – Exclusive Freeload: Daedelus, "C'est Super" (Michna Remix) "First office reaction is that it sounds like the music from Doom." (tags: music) Fantagraphics Books – Snake 'n' Bacon: Shakin' &…
April 17, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-16
The Wire Bible “This is quite a treat. Someone got ahold of some scripts from The Wire and posted them online.” (tags: tv) Errol Morris Helming Cryonics Project – ComingSoon.net This is…
April 16, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-15
Ratatat Fans Community on IMEEM It's a Ratatat bike, and you can win it. The Ratatat bike. (tags: music)
April 15, 2009 -
links for 2009-04-14
69 Love Songs, Illustrated. "We are a loose collection of mostly London-based comic-artists, illustrators and writers, who have grown up listening to the Magnetic Fields and got together over a mutual love…
April 14, 2009
Who the… ?
I used to do things for: Edge, Gamasutra, Offworld, Boing Boing & chairman of the Independent Games Festival.
Now I run: JUEGOS RANCHEROS, Venus Patrol, and am always hard at work on something else that will help bring awesome things into your life.
We should talk sometime! Send me an email if you want.